Steffi Vinton-Peters: Because of you
Because of you;
I woke this morning with a knot in my stomach and tight sickness engulfing my throat.
Hopeless dread and cold fear.
Because of you;
Not one calorie had passed through my lips for two days and for the day ahead, I faced a mountain of physical demands.
Because of you;
Every single fibre of my being screamed naive denial when I questioned the pain clawing my stomach.
Because of you;
Every one of my senses is coated with the lies you have fed me.
Because of you;
Every inch of my consciousness begs for starvation.
Because of you;
A simple, life depending activity is far and beyond my greatest fear and without a doubt my greatest weakness.
Today I sat alone, waterfalls pouring from my naked soul.
Today I felt desperate and scared and overwhelmed.
Today I shook violently enough I could feel my rib cage gaping for calm.
All because of you.
But today...
In spite of you;
I was strong.
I wasn't strong for you, you disgusting, cruel, evil, lying wretch.
I was strong for me. For them. For us.
This morning I blended colours and flavours, the kind I fear - no! The kind YOU fear. The kind I like.
I sipped slowly, allowing volume to fill my hollow centre, until the colours had replenished my energy.
In spite of you;
Today I was brave.
My name is Steff.
Each day I become more me again.