Holly Hall: Deep breath

Hey so we’ve spoken before on Instagram and I shared a bit of my story with you.. I’ve never given my poetry out to someone before but I saw your Instagram story today about warrior talk, and it lead me here… and I want to join. I want to be a part of Warrior Talk and I want to talk.

Dare I breathe a breath of air upon which, nightmares exist.

Such sorrow pelting poison 

rocks inside your heavy soul. 

Dragging down with it your proud mind and freedom of humanity.

Scaling skin turns used and ripped as though beaten by a billion lies.

Entertain each eye with tortured filled dreams as we let our spirits drown.

Yet still bare the pain on which we held our grudges from mistakes made un-accordingly by foolishness. 

Those people whom drove you to insanity still linger in your thoughts.

let go of what you have and how much of it you hold, take that breathe of air and let the world play it's game.

Let yourself find your peace again.


Margherita Barbieri