Paula: My Poem: Stay Soft

Hey there warriors,

My name is Paula, I’m 18 and from Germany. I’ve struggled with an eating disorder since I was 13 and when I began recovery I turned my emotions into poems and this is one of it. Its supposed to show people that there is beauty in being softly curved in your body and calm in your soul instead of bony, ridged and angular in your body and thoughts.

Becoming soft: 

Stay soft
and by that I mean
I watched my friends
turn bitter over a heartbreak
and it was an awful thing

Stay soft
and by that I mean
do not let the tragedy of living
turn you into someone
you do not want to be

Stay soft
and by that I mean
the second you realise
it's not about who has the worst scars
Or the saddest story,
the moment you realise
love is about caring and supporting
and feeling the wholeness within you
you are safe

because nothing can destroy you
nothing is ever going to take away the light you keep within your golden soft heart

You will take care of yourself and it will be
a beautiful thing, you will turn your broken heart of glass and the ruins you called your body into a castle of light and it will be full of life, you will hold onto the ones who love you and let go the ones who can't

Stay soft
and by that I mean
it is perfectly fine to be as soft as water
it is perfectly okay not to let people ruin you,
you are your own first
Be all soft edges and floating beauty,
as calm as the lake you loved as a child

Stay soft
and by that I mean
it is okay to be soft,
there is so much bravery in it.

Thank you, lots of love,


Pace Journal