Lucy Clarke: The Voice of Anorexia
Dear Warriors,
This is my poem I wrote to try to explain the unbearable and all-powerful voice many of us hear in our heads from our anorexia.
Anorexia is life-threatening, we have to get better.
From Lucy
The Voice of Anorexia
Look in the mirror, just take a peek,
You’ve lost all control, you’re pathetic, you’re weak,
Your simple task is to follow my rules,
Don’t worry or panic, I’ll give you the tools
The people around you will put up a fight,
Don’t listen to them, you know that I’m right
You might lose your hair, feel tired, alone,
Most of the time you’ll be chilled to the bone
Sociable outings will come to an end
But that doesn’t matter, I’m your only true friend
It’ll all be worth it when you reach your goal,
You’ll be strong again, back in control
Just do as I say, you’ll win first prize,
In this little game, it’s your life’s demise.